Field care and tips
Field care and tips
Removal of horns, antlers & jaws: For antlered animals: Cut the skullcap from the head using a hacksaw or similar. Use the eye socket as a point to aim for when cutting the cap. Make the first cut from top of skull down to the center of the eye socket and the second cut from the back of the skull to the center of the eye socket. Simmer the skullcap for ½ hour being careful not to immerse the actual antlers in the water or burn them if simmering over a campfire. Remove all meat still clinging. *Also see download page for removal of antlers without caping head instructions. Antlers in velvet: Velvet is skin. If soft and spongy on the tips there will be shrinkage to some degree. The antlers must be frozen ASAP or delivered to your taxidermist ASAP. Do not touch the velvet with your hands. Velvet does slip just as hair/epidermis does and needs to be treated as quickly as possible. You can spray/inject with formaldehyde but this product is extremely dangerous - best left for the experts. Horned animals: Simmer skull cap and up to 2 inches of horn for 30 minutes then tap the simmered skullcap where it meets the horn lightly with a stick or simply twist and pull from cores. (Inserting a knife under the horn can help). Clean all membranes from within the horn and on the bony 'cores' and rinse with a little Pine-o-clean, Metho or Dettol. Replace horns on the cores to dry, as they will shrink if left off after heating. *Also see download page for removal of antlers without caping head instructions. Removal of the jaws (pig, fox, deer, cat or dingo): To begin, cut from the top of the skull down past the last molar, thru both top and bottom jaws. The jaws are then simmered for 20 minutes to 45 minutes and any meat clinging to the bones removed. Don't simmer longer than is necessary as the tusks will be even harder to remove or may crack. Pull the tusks out while hot using a towel to hold. You will notice you have to push the top of the tusk back towards the imaginary ear while pulling up at the same time. When removing tusks and whets be careful not to damage them and clean them of inner nerve tissue. Do not clean the outside of the tusks. Competition quality jaw sets are available. Please check the download page for various helpful instructions on caping, skinning, skull preservation, skull cap removal that you can save on your computer, print out and share. Various new topics will be available from time to time. |